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Bridrey, Réserve Héréditaire (1926)

Author(s): Émile Bridrey (1873-1943)

Title: La Réserve Héréditaire dans l'Ancien Droit Normand: leçons faites à la semaine d'histoire du droit Normand tenu à Jersey (24-27 mai 1923)


This book developed Bridrey's paper presented in 1923 to the semaine d'histoire du droit Normand held in Jersey, as part of an enterprise with professors Astoul and Génestal under the general title of "la protection de biens de famille dans la Coutume de Normandie", thus reflecting on historically abiding concerns of the Duchy's population, particularly, in this case, forced heirship. Bridrey published widely, particularly in the areas of medieval money and of the history of his own department, that of law at the University of Caen, where he earned his doctorate for a thesis on the Crusades and the Privilege of the Cross (published Paris, 1900) and served as professor from 1920-1940. Besnier (see below) says that Bridrey was appointed a knight of la Légion d'honneur; any other record of this appears to have been lost. Edition(s): 1925 (under the title "la réserve héréditaire" -- see above), 1926 Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

Further reading:

Obituary by R. Besnier, Bulletin de la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie, xlix (1945).


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