Book viewing guide


Basic book controls


Toggle text selection

In the top-left of a book, the A icon allows you to toggle the text view.

When clicked, you can interact with the text right on the page, allowing selecting, highlighting or copying.

Read transcription

To read the transcription, click on the book icon in the top-left.

Search this book

To search a book for a keyword or phrase, type it into the search box at the top of a book and press enter.

The number of search results will be displayed on the right of the search bar.

Click the arrows to jump to the next or previous result.

Results will be highlighted in purple at their location on the page.




Select page

This bar on the top right hand side of the book allows you to navigate through the pages with ease.

Simply click and drag the circle in the bar until you reach your desired page.

Show/hide metadata

To view metadata attached to the current page, click on the metadata icon in the bottom-right.

Show/hide thumbnails

Thumbnails of the next/previous pages appear on the bottom of the book explorer.

To show or hide these click on the “Show/hide thumbnails” icon.


For a detailed guide to the options available in the book, click on the question mark in the bottom-right.

How to view a book in high resolution:

To balance the website's performance and quality, images are displayed in a lower resolution when a book is initially viewed.

There are 2 ways to view pages in more detail:

  1. The Loupe tool
  2. Full screen mode (book)
  3. Full screen mode (page)
1. The loupe tool

Open the book you wish to view in high resolution and click the loupe tool icon on the bottom-left.

Your mouse will now become the loupe tool.

Hover your mouse over any area you would like to see in high resolution.

You can also scroll your mouse to zoom in or out.


 2. Full screen mode (book)
Open the book you wish to view in high resolution and click the Full screen mode icon on the top-right.

The book can now be viewed in full screen

Click the arrows to jump to the next or previous page.

Click the up arrow icon on the bottom of the screen to show the navigation bar
To exit full screen, press the “Esc” button or the “X” button on the top right-hand side of the navigation bar


3. Full screen mode (page)

Open the book you wish to view in high resolution and navigate to the page.

Double click on the page and it will enter full screen mode.

This will exit the book explorer view and show the page in high resolution mode.

In this mode you can zoom in/out, make the page full screen or exit.

N.b. whilst the search function is not available in full screen mode, you can exit fullscreen, run a search, and then re-enter into fullscreen and it will keep the search results highlighted.