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Berault et al., Commentaires (l'Amalgame) (1776)

Author(s): Josias Bérault (1563-1633), Jacques Godefroy (d. 1624), Jacques le Bathelier, sieur d'Aviron (d. c. 1590)

Title: Commentaires sur la Coutume de Normandie (2 vols)


This work is often known as the Amalgame (ie "amalgam"), bringing together as it does Bérault's commentary, first published in 1614, with the comments of Godefroy (first published 1626) and sometimes paraphrasing le Bathelier, sieur d'Aviron's work (1599), under headings of the articles of the Coutume Reformée. (See the individual works of each of these authors on this site). Neither Nicolle nor Lemonnier-Lesage believe that the exercise enhanced Godefroy's reputation. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1684, 1687, 1776 Provenance of this copy: Adv. GSK Dawes

Further reading:

G. Dawes, "Introduction" to G. Dawes (ed.), G. Terrien, Commentaires du Droict Civil (Guernsey, 2010), pp. 34-35. S. Nicolle, The Origin and Development of Jersey Law: an outline guide (5th edn, Jersey, 2009), pp. 17-18. V. Lemonnier-Lesage, "Berault, Josias", "Godefroy, Jacques", and "le Bathelier, Jacques", in P. Arabeyre, J-L Halpérin, and J. Krynen (ed.), Dictionnaire historique des juristes français xiie -- xxe siècle (Paris, 2007).
