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Besnier and Génestal, Instrucions et Ensaignemens (1912)

Author(s): Georges Besnier (1879-1961) Robert Génestal (1872-1931)

Title: Instrucions et Ensaignemens: style de procéder d'une justice seigneuriale normande (1386-90)


Attributed by its editors to a judicial officer of the Abbey St Ouen at Caen, this work sets out procedures to be followed in a late 14th-century manorial court, thus complementing the Ancien Style, Glose etc. of the higher Norman courts. How far these were typical of other seigneurial jurisdictions invites investigation. The publication forms volume 2 of the first series -- textes of the Bibliothèque d'Histoire du Droit Normand, an enterprise of the first half of the 20th century of the law department of the University of Caen. Génestal is noticed elsewhere on this website (see the entry for his Tenure en Bourgage: étude sur la propriété foncière dans les villes Normandes); Georges Besnier was Archiviste de Calvados. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1912 Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

Further reading:

N. Vidal, "Georges Besnier (1879-1961): un archiviste dans le siècle" in M. Aubry, I. Chave and V. Doom (ed.), Archives, Archivistes, Archivistique dans l'Europe du nord-ouest du moyen âge à nos jours: entre governance et mémoire (Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2007).


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