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Bourdot De Richebourg, Nouveau Coutumier General, vol. 4 (1724)

Author(s): (ed.) Charles Antoine Bourdot de Richebourg (1665-1735)

Title: Nouveau coutumier général, ou Corps des coutumes générales et particulières de France et des provinces connues sous le nom de Gaules (Tome Quatrième)


The Nouveau Coutumier General prints in four volumes the laws of the French pays de droit coutumier, including, in the volume 4, the Grand Coutumier and the Coutume Reformée of Normandy. The editor was, from 1689, an advocate in the Paris parlement. He also published a collection of the ordinances of Louis XIV (1719) and wrote a dictionary of customary law, which remains unpublished. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1724 Provenance of this copy: Adv. GSK Dawes

Further reading:

J-L. Thireau, " Bourdot de Richebourg, Charles-Antoine " in P. Arabeyre, J-L Halpérin, and J. Krynen (ed.), Dictionnaire historique des juristes français xiie -- xxe siècle (Paris, 2007).


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