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De Sausmarez, Earlier Charters of Guernsey (1928)

Author(s): Havilland Walter de Sausmarez, Bart. (1861-1941)

Title: The Earlier Charters of Guernsey with particular reference to those of 15 Edward III, and 1 Henry VII.


This essay, published by Guernsey's Royal Court, and which also appeared in the Transactions of La Société Guernesiaise, x (1928) 250-259, is the work of the then Bailiff, Sir Havilland de Sausmarez, who served in that office 1922-1929, after a distinguished career as a colonial judge. As he says in his preface, its publication follows upon the "Imperial Contribution" controversy of the early '20s. Whilst his categories of the charters - Series A, Ancient Customs, Franchises and Exemptions, and Series B, Freedom From Tolls Taxes And Levies -- are not wholly satisfactory, the work still introduces the charters and translations of those of 1341 (the fundamental one) and 1485. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1928 (bis -- see above). Provenance of this copy: Adv. GSK Dawes

Further reading:

T. Thornton, The Charters of Guernsey (Bognor Regis, 2004). T. Thornton, "The Channel Islands and the Courts of Westminster from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Centuries" (eleventh Joan Stevens Memorial Lecture, Jersey, 2017). L.J. Marr, Guernsey People (Chichester, 1984), pp. 146-147.


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