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Jeremie, Saisie Mobilière (1815)

Author(s): John Jeremie (c. 1773-1810) John Jeremie jnr (1795-1841)

Title: Traité sur la Saisie Mobilière, et la Renonciation, avec quelques chapîtres sur la saisie héréditale.


Both the father, the main writer who died (in Malta) before completing the text, and the son, the contributor to and editor of this short book, were advocates of Guernsey's Royal Court. The latter went on to become a colonial governor and noted anti-slaver. He was knighted in 1840. Their work, which is unfinished as regards saisie héréditale (a want that was to be supplied by James Gallienne in 1845) sought to clarify the confused, and even contradictory, practices of its day, and to introduce conformity. Nearly half the work is of appendices covering forms of documents, ordinances, and precedents, in a manner updating J. Le Marchant's eighteenth-century Style. Procedure -- though it remains complicated -- has been modified by The Saisie Procedure (Simplification) (Bailiwick) Order, 1952, and later legislation. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1815 Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection.

Further reading:

J. Gallienne, Traité de la Renonciation par Loi Outrée, et de la garantie (Guernsey, 1845). J. le Marchant, Ébauché de Style de Procéder (Guernsey, 1804). G. Dawes, Laws of Guernsey (Oxford, 2003), p. 241, n. 46. Anon. [F.B. Tupper], Sarnia: or brief memorials of many of her sons (civil, military, and naval), (2nd edn, Guernsey, 1862), pp. 49-52.


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