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Le Marchant, Ébauche du Style (1804)


Title: Ébauche du Style de Procéder devant la Cour Royale de l'Île de Guernesey


This work was published by the author's nephew, Eléazar le Marchant, with the ambition of regularizing procedure before the Royal Court, particularly with reference to insolvency proceedings (saisi). As such it describes the several stages of the remedy, providing precedents of summonses etc. Its interest today is purely historical. Josué le Marchant became H.M. Comptroller in 1756 before serving as a Jurat 1765-1772. He also wrote a Recueil de maximes, de pensees et de reflexions, probably the first book to be printed in Guernsey, in 1776. Edition(s): 1804 Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

Further reading:

Eléazar le Marchant's introduction to the work.


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