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Le Roy, Droit de Varech (1933)

Author(s): Charles Leroy (1867-1938)

Title: Le Droit de Varech en Normandie [bound with] Le Droit de Gîte dans l'ancienne France


Leroy, according to Bibliothèque Nationale data, was an advocate, honorary notaire at Tourville (1905-1925), and a Member of the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts of Rouen. He published, amongst several works, Paysans normands au XVIIIe siècle, which appeared in three editions, 1903, 1912, and 1929. The work presently noticed, in its essay on wreck in the Norman custom, is of greater relevance and interest in the Channel Islands than in its sequel, which concerns the right of kings and seigneurs and their suites, when moving within their domains, to the inhabitants' hospitality. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1933 Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection.

Further reading:

R. Falle and J. Kelleher, "The Customary Law in relation to the foreshore (1)", [2008] 12 JGLR 158; and "The Customary Law in relation to the foreshore (2)", [2010] 14 JGLR 124. J. Musset, "le Droit de Varech dans la Coutume Redigée de Normandie (1583) et ses commentateurs", in Les Normands et la Mer (Mortain, 1995), 397-400. G. Dupont, Les droits de mer en Basse-Normandie au Moyen-âge', Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie, xxvii (1876), 434-481.


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