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Swinfen, Daniel and Prison Board Cases, 1975

Author(s): David Berridge Swinfen (b. 1936)

Title: "The Daniel and Jersey Prison Board Cases of 1890 and 1894", Société Jersiaise Bulletin Annuel xxi (1975), 363-380.


Professor David Swinfen, who retired from the University of Dundee in 2002, is the author, besides this article, of a wide range of studies, including Imperial Appeal: the debate on the appeal to the Privy Council, 1833-1986 (1987), The Fall of the Tay Bridge (1994), and on American history. He treats the Daniel and Prison Board cases, which were of constitutional importance, in their proper context of late Victorian imperialism; he also, more boldly than other authors, names the offence for which Mrs Daniel was tried. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1975 Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

Further reading:

M. Bolik, "Mergers, muppets and 'merican studies: the retirement of David Berridge Swinfen" (accessed 22 Feb. 2023). R.B. Haldane, "Jersey Prison Board case: notes of proposed arguments" Jersey Law Review v (2001), 254-270. G.R. Balleine, A History of the Island of Jersey (London, 1950), pp. 308-309.


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