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Travaux de la Semaine de Droit Normand (1938)

Author(s): Scholars associated with the Département de Droit, Université de Caen

Title: Travaux de la Semaine de d'histoire du Droit Normand tenue à Guernesey du 8 au 13 Juin 1938


Professors C.A.F. Astoul (1863-1929) and Robert Généstal (1872-1931) of the Université de Caen founded the Séminaire de Droit Normand in 1908. It was revived in 1921. The comptes rendu of the Séminaire's regularly held conferences describe academic contributions in a few paragraphs, somewhat shorter than an article, but particularly valuable where no article resulted. Full proceedings (travaux) were published after the Semaines held in Jersey (1923) and in Guernsey (1927, 1938). This volume is one such, printing in full, amongst others, papers given in Guernsey in 1938 by Jean Yver, on the special characteristics of Norman Coutume in the Channel Islands; John le Patourel, on the Bailiwicks' seals; and Jean-François Lemarignier on the delegation of justice in Guernsey by Duke Robert the Magnificent to the Abbey of Mont St Michel. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1939 Provenance of this copy: Adv. GSK Dawes

Further reading:

H. Nézard, "Congrès de la semaine de droit normand", Revue internationale de l'enseignement lxxxiii (1929), 102-111. Travaux de la Semaine d'Histoire du Droit Normand tenue à Jersey du 24 au 27 mai 1923 (Caen, 1925), preface.


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