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Tupper, The Land Question of the United Kingdom (1868)

Author(s): Henry Tupper (1809-1875)

Title: The Land Question of the United Kingdom: Observations on the Law of Descent of Real Estate in the United Kingdom; its origin and bearing on the social condition of the people


Henry Tupper was one of the leading figures in mid-nineteenth century Guernsey, deserving significant credit for the development of the harbours, telegraph service, the construction of the Hanois Lighthouse, and the promotion of modern agriculture. After studying law at Rennes, Tupper was appointed an advocate in 1830 and in 1857 became a Jurat of the Royal Court. He also served for long periods as French consul in Guernsey. As the present work suggests, he also had an interest in legal reform both in the island and more widely. The "land question" referred to in the title related to issues including primogeniture, taxation, and peasant proprietorship. Unsurprisingly, Tupper offers Channel Island exemplars. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1868 Provenance of this copy: Adv. GSK Dawes

Further reading:

Obituary, Guernsey Magazine, June 1875. L.J. Marr, Guernsey People (Chichester, 1984), pp. 162-63. M. Cragoe, P. Readman (ed.), The Land Question in Britain, 1750-1950 (Basingstoke, 2010) R-M. Crossan, Poverty and Welfare in Guernsey 1560-2015 (Woodbridge, 2015), appendix one.


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