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Yver, l'Oeuvre de R. Génestal (1932)

Author(s): Jean Louis Émile Joseph Yver (1901-1988)

Title: La Coutume de Normandie à travers l'oeuvre de R. Génestal


Jean Yver achieved his doctorate in laws in 1926 for the thesis that became his Contrats dans le très ancien droit Normand (q.v.). After a brief period teaching at the University of Lille, Yver moved to Caen University on the migration of Robert Génestal (1872-1931) to the University of Paris, in 1927, succeeding Génestal as professor at Caen in 1931. This work surveys and pays tribute to the latter's achievements in Norman law studies up to that date, drawing attention to aspects of the coutume and supplying a bibliography of Génestal's labours in the area. Yver was made an Officier de la Légion d'Honneur in 1959, a Commandeur des Palmes académiques in 1963, and a corresponding Fellow of the British Academy in 1974. He taught many Guernsey students at Caen, in which city he was born and died. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1932 (first published in the journal Normannia i and ii, 1932) Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

Further reading:

Société d'Histoire du Droit et des Institutions des pays de l'ouest de la France, Droit privé et institutions régionales: études offertes à Jean Yver (Mont-Saint-Aignan, 1976).
