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Basnage, Oeuvres (1778)

Author(s): Henri Basnage (1615-1695)

Title: Œuvres de Maître Henri Basnage écuier, seigneur du franquesnei, avocat au parlement; contenant ses commentaires sur la Coutume de Normandie, et son traité des hypotèques (2 vols).


Henri Basnage de Franquesnay is commonly reputed the best commentator on the Norman Coutume Reformée. His work also supplies authority in areas such as servitudes and hypothèques where the Grand Coutumier and its commentator Terrien are lacking. He was an advocate at Rouen from 1636 and his reputation was such that this may have protected him from persecution as a Protestant. He was a son of the Huguenot minister Benjamin Basnage (1580-1652) and father of the historian Henri Basnage and the theologian Jacques Basnage, both surnamed 'de Beauval'. The work presented here brings together late editions of Basnage's Commentaries and his treatise on hypothèques (1681). His method was to take the articles of the Coutume Reformée in sequence commenting and supplying references including to case and the Civil law. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1678, 1681, 1709, 1778 Provenance of this copy:

Further reading:

R. Besnier, La Coutume de Normandie: histoire externe (Paris, 1935) pp. 199-201. G. Dawes, "Introduction" to G. Dawes (ed.), G. Terrien, Commentaires du Droict Civil (Guernsey, 2010), pp. 35-36. V. Lemonnier-Lesage, " Basnage de Franquesnay Henri", in P. Arabeyre, J-L Halpérin, and J. Krynen (ed.), Dictionnaire historique des juristes français xiie -- xxe siècle (Paris, 2007).
