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Bouloiseau, Tiers Coutumier Normand (1959)


Title: "À Propos du Tiers Coutumier Normand et des Émigrés: consultations pour les héritiers de Philippe-Égalite en 1817" offprint from Annales de Normandie, 9, 1959, 217-228.


This article treats the activity of French noblewomen during the Revolution, relating to Norman customary rights to dower and the third to which their children were entitled, to avoid complete confiscation of family estates. After the death of Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orleans, who supported the Revolution, going by the name of Philippe-Egalité, his family (he was the father of King Louis-Philippe) sought to take similar measures to recover the profits of his sale in 1793 of the Forest of Touques. Bouloiseau was Secrétaire de la Commission d'histoire économique et sociale de la Révolution française, and taught at the Sorbonne. [He was a notable authority on Maximilien Robespierre.]{.mark} Edition(s): 1959 Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

Further reading:

D. Johnson, obituary of Bouloiseau, Guardian 9 June 1999.


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