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Daviel, Coutume de Normandie (1834)

Author(s): Alfred Daviel (1800-1856)

Title: Recherches sur l'origine de la Coutume de Normandie


Daviel was born in Évreux and after studying in Paris became President of the Rouen Bar. He was of liberal and later Bonapartist tendencies, becoming Prosecutor General in Rouen in 1850 and Minister of Justice the following year, a senator in 1854 and a commander of the Légion d'Honneur. He wrote on several topics varying from freedom of the individual to the laws on watercourses. The work presently under notice, which was first printed in the Revue Normand vol. 2, is a response to a note by the celebrated L.A. Warnkœnig (1794-1866), copied in its early pages. Daviel supplies a broad outline of the commentators on the Norman law who preceded Terrien. Edition(s): 1834 Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

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