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de Gruchy, Ancienne Coutume de Normandie (1881)

Author(s): William Laurence de Gruchy (ed.) (1838-1920)

Title: L'Ancienne Coutume de Normandie: réimpression éditée avec légères annotations


De Gruchy, a Jurat of the Royal Court of Jersey, published this edited edition of le Rouillé's edition of 1539 of the Grand Coutumier de Normandie, although not including, as le Rouillé had, the Glose etc. The text is supplied in both Latin and French with annotations. De Gruchy's text has in turn been republished, commented upon, and translated into English by Judith Everard in an edition published by the Jersey and Guernsey Law Review in 2009. Note that de Gruchy, according to Jersey habit, calls the Grand Coutumier "l'Ancienne Coutume". It is not to be confused with the work generally known as the "Très Ancien Coutumier". Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1881 Provenance of this copy: Adv. GSK Dawes

Further reading:

J.A. Everard (ed and trans), The Laws and Customs by which the Duchy of Normandy is ruled : le Grand Coutumier de Normandie (Jersey, 2009), 'Introduction". G.R. Balleine, A Biographical Dictionary of Jersey (London, 1948), pp. 205-206.

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