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Le Marchant, Rights and Immunities of Guernsey (1771)

Author(s): William Le Marchant (1721-1809)

Title: The rights and immunities of the island of Guernsey, most humbly submitted to the consideration of government in a speech of one of the magistrates of that island to the Royal Court there, shewing the ruin and distress the subversion of their privileges brings on that island; the prejudice it is of to Great Britain; and the advantages that result therefrom to France.


The controversy over the British government's intention to enforce an Order of 1767 establishing customs houses in the Channel Islands gave rise to the speech, which is here published, and its sequel. This Order allowed officials to board vessels and required that ships should be cleared by Customs before quitting the Islands. It was fully enforced only after 1800, particularly under Parliament's Acts for the Better Prevention of Smuggling of 1805 and 1807. The author, Le Marchant, who was Bailiff 1771 - 1800, was remembered as a learned judge, but of an intemperate, even violent, character, especially when
matters affecting his own interests were in consideration (see Jeremie, and Hocart, below). Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1771, 1801, 1805 (the last as part of a Statement in support of the privileges and immunities of the island, respecting
measures to be brought before Parliament. By a late magistrate) Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

Further reading:

J. Duncan, The History of Guernsey; with occasional notices of Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, and biographical sketches (London, 1841), pp. 234-256.

R. Hocart, Sir Peter de Havilland: a history of his life, 1747-1821 (Guernsey, 1997). ch. 4, esp. p. 47.

P. Jeremie, On Real Property and Taxation in Guernsey, with a comparative view of taxation in England and France (Guernsey, 1866), pp. 21-24.

L.J. Marr, Guernsey People (Chichester, 1984), pp. 99-101.


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