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Dufort, Resolutions de Plusieurs Cas de Conscience (1764)

Author(s): Joseph Dufort (1685-1767)

Title: Resolutions de Plusieurs Cas de Conscience sur la Coutume de Normandie


In this anonymously published work, Dufort, a priest of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudists), successfully digested aspects of the Coutume that related to difficult personal matters for the guidance of those with small legal experience. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1764, 1773 Provenance of this copy: Adv. GSK Dawes

Further reading:

V. Lemonnier-Lesage, "Dufort, Joseph" in P. Arabeyre, J-L Halpérin, and J. Krynen (ed.), Dictionnaire historique des juristes français xiie -- xxe siècle (Paris, 2007).


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