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Gallienne, Traité de la Renonciatiation (1845)

Author(s): James Gallienne (1818-1886)

Title: Traité de la Renonciatiation par Loi Outrée, et de la garantie; avec quelques remarques sur les changements apportés dans ces branches de la législation, par l'ordre du Conseil du 20 décembre, 1825, ainsi que les formules de la procédure, et les ordonnances de la Cour Royale qui y ont rapport.


Of a leading Methodist family, and educated in law at the University of Caen, James Gallienne is the nineteenth-century advocate whose name remains most familiar to Guernsey practitioners, both for this work (still cited in insolvency and other proceedings) and equally for his chequered history. Stabbing a friend, perhaps by accident, with a penknife, and on another evening smashing the windows of houses in the Grange Road, gave him a knowledge of imprisonment, and long suspension from the Bar, unshared by his colleagues. He became H.M. Comptroller (1871-1874) and then, in 1874, H.M. Greffier. Gallienne was also a director of Elizabeth College, a Colonel in the Royal Guernsey Militia, and a high-ranking freemason. Not only the present work, but also the scope of his law library, several volumes of which survive in Guernsey's Royal Court Library, are testament to his more learned qualities. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1845 Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection.

Further reading:

M. Morley (ed.), The Gallienne Letters 1835-1895 (Jersey, ?1992), including the note by de V.G. Carey, "James Gallienne", pp. vii-viii. G. Dawes, "Introduction" to G. Dawes (ed.), G. Terrien, Commentaires du Droict Civil (Guernsey, 2010), pp. 61-62. Obituary, The Guernsey Magazine, March, 1886.


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