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Jacob, Annals of the Bailiwick (1830)


Title: Annals of some of the British Norman Islands constituting the Bailiwick of Guernsey


John Jacob was the son of the naturalist and antiquary Edward Jacob (1710?-1788) of Faversham. John, who married Anna Maria Le Grand, with whom he had four daughters and five sons, moved to Guernsey in 1815, living in the Queen's Road. He intended a book of two parts but saw only the publication of the first, treating in some detail aspects of the Bailiwick and their history, with the express intention of emphasising their civilised and moral qualities. It remains a valuable work. Its biographical sequel was published as a tribute by Mrs Long and his other daughters after Jacob's death. Edition(s): Part One: 1830, Part Two: n.d. Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

Further reading:

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, entry for Edward Jacob.


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