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Frere, Manuel du Bibliographie Normand (1858-1860)

Author(s): Édouard Frère (1797-1874)

Title: Manuel du bibliographe normand ; ou, Dictionnaire bibliographique et historique (2 vols)


Frère was one of a dynasty of Rouen publishers. He sold the business in 1842 to take up writing about Norman history (see his own entry in the book under review). In 1869 he took over the management of the city library. His work remains of great value, and a starting point for many studies, although inevitably the bibliographical and historical literature of Normandy has continued to grow since the period in which he wrote. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1858-60, repr. Undated (c. 1970) Provenance of this copy: Adv. GSK Dawes

Further reading:Édouard_Frère#:~:text=Édouard%2DBenjamin%20Frère%2C%20né%20le,archiviste%2C%20historien%20et%20bibliographe%20français, accessed 27 Feb. 2024.
