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Ozanne, De la Garantie (1874)

Author(s): Edward Chepmell Ozanne (1852-1929)

Title: De la garantie en cas d'éviction dans la vente en droit français


This work, dedicated to the Rector of St Sampson, was Ozanne's Caen University thesis for the licence in French law. It does not touch upon the law of the Channel Islands as such. It is bound with his Latin thesis (required for the licence at that time) on Justinian's Digest, book 21, ch. ii, De evictionibus et duplæ stipulatione ("concerning evictions, and the stipulation for double damages"). Ozanne served as H.M. Comptroller 1877- 95, and H.M. Procureur 1895-1915 before becoming Bailiff 1915-22. He was knighted in 1921 when the king and queen visited Guernsey. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1874 Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

Further reading:

L.J. Marr, Guernsey People (Chichester, 1984), p. 122.


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