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Syvret (ed.), Chroniques des îles, (1832)

Author(s): George Simeon Syvret (1790-1850) (ed.)

Title: Chroniques, des îles de Jersey, Guernesey, Auregny et Serk, auquel on a ajouté un abrégé historique des dites Iles.


This work, edited by a Jerseyman who served for a long period as a clerk in Guernsey's Greffe, is principally an edition of the Chronique de Jersey manuscript, although Syvret added other material, of varying quality. The Chronique, which is of late sixteenth-century date, was written by an unknown member of, or intimate of, the de Carteret family, which features largely in its content. Set pieces of Island history abound, including reports of the bitter dispute between Bailiff Helier de Carteret and the Governor Vaughan, culminating in the former's magnificent appearance in Star Chamber, demanding justice of Cardinal Wolsey; the settlement of Sark; the coming of the Reformation; dealings with the Privy Council, etc. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1832, 1858 (revised A. Mourant), 2017 (see below) Provenance of this copy: St John Robilliard Collection

Further reading:

Translations: R. Le Geyt, Jersey in Olden Days in Jersey (Jersey, 1912) -- part translation; B. Matthews, Les Chroniques de Jersey: an English translation (Jersey, 2017) A.J. Eagleston, 'The Chroniques de Jersey in the Light of Contemporary Documents', Bulletin of La Société Jersiaise, vol. xiii (1936).


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