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Traité Des Fiefs

Author(s): Étienne le Royer de la Tournerie (1730-1812)

Title: Traité des Fiefs, à la usage de la province de Normandie, conformément à la nouvelle jurisprudence


Le Royer was an advocate of the Norman parlement and the king's procureur and then judge at Domfront. The last edition of this work predated the French Revolution by a few years and then became redundant. It does remain of interest in the Channel Islands in questions over fiefs (more common than the casual observer might suppose) and as supplying context in understanding tenure in the Islands. Le Royer also published several editions of a Nouveau commentaire portatif on the Norman coutume and, intriguingly, is said to have left two other works that remain in manuscript, namely a dictionary of Norman law, and a history of the Chouans (counter-revolutionaries) of Lower Normandy.

Edition(s) (this copy in bold):

1763, 1769, 1772, 1784.

Provenance of this copy:

St John Robilliard Collection (*which edn?), Adv. GSK Dawes.

Further reading:

V. Lemonnier-Lesage, "Le Royer de la Tournerie, Étienne" in P. Arabeyre, J-L Halpérin, and J. Krynen (ed.), Dictionnaire historique des juristes français xiie – xxe siècle (Paris, 2007).

