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"Warburton", Traité sur l'Histoire (1831)

Author(s): John Warburton (1682-1759) -- allegedly, and the work still generally is known as "Warburton": see below. Christopher, First Viscount Hatton (1632-1706)

Title: Traité sur l'Histoire, les Lois et Coutumes de l'île de Guernesey (ed. and trans. anon.)


This late seventeenth-century treatise, the manuscript of which survives in Guernsey's Greffe, despite publications repeatedly crediting its authorship to Warburton, is now accepted to be the work of Charles Hatton, Governor of Guernsey 1670-1706. Earlier versions of the English text under Hatton's name are known, the manuscript is written in his hand, and his research materials survive at Northamptonshire record office. As such, and of its own merits, it is a valuable and authoritative description of the laws and administration of the island in his day: a continuing esteem being evidenced in the making of this translation. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1822 (in English), 1831 (this translation). Provenance of this copy: Adv. GSK Dawes

Further reading:

R. Clark, "Mr Warburton's Treatise on the History, Laws and Customs of Guernsey", Société Guernesiaise Transactions xxi (1984), 547-551. D. Ogier, "The Authorship of Warburton's Treatise", Société Guernesiaise Transactions xxii (1990), 871-877. G. Dawes, "Introduction" to G. Dawes (ed.), G. Terrien, Commentaires du Droict Civil (Guernsey, 2010), p. 59.


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