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Leonhard, Les Additions au Coutumier de Normandie (1911)

Author(s): Carl Georg Rudolf Leonhard (1851-1921)

Title: Les Additions au Coutumier de Normandie de Guillaume Le Rouillé d'Alençon en tant qu'elles touchent au droit romain


Rudolf Leonhard was born in Breslau (Wrocław) Poland, and, after a career in German universities specialising in Roman Law and the civil code, returned there, becoming Professor of Roman Law at the Royal University in 1896. The paper reproduced here was presented to the Congrès du Millénaire de la Normandie (911-1911) Compte rendu des travaux (5-10 juin 1911) (2 vols, Rouen, 1912). Unsurprisingly, Leonhard addresses the topic of Roman law influences upon Le Rouillé d'Alençon's editions of the Grand Coutumier of 1534 and 1539. Edition(s) (this copy in bold): 1911 Provenance of this copy: Adv. GSK Dawes

Further reading: accessed 26 Feb. 2024.


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